Dr. Day | Hill-Dale Veterinary Care Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

Tom Day, DVM

Dr. Day has been performing abdominal ultrasounds and echocardiograms in dogs and cats for over 25 years and is certified by the International Veterinary Ultrasound Society (IVUSS). The American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR) recognizes and supports IVUSS and the IVUSS certification program. Certification through IVUSS involves at least three years of study and practice in advanced abdominal ultrasound technique and echocardiography, with at least one-third of the training in echocardiography. Requirements for certification include didactic training, fifteen written case reports, including images approved by a board-certified radiologist, and successful completion of a written and practical examination.

Dr. Day has also practiced the specialty of veterinary anesthesiology for over 30 years, providing anesthesia services and teaching at all levels of veterinary practice including students, technical staff, interns, residents, and general practitioners. Day Veterinary Imaging and Consulting was created to bring ultrasound, echocardiography, and anesthesia consulting to your practice.

Hill-Dale Veterinary Care